Environmental Site Characterization - An Overview

Environmental Remediation projects are carefully planned, scheduled, and completed during regular business hours. The environmental remediation company brings its comprehensive training and expertise to each project to mitigate and minimize the impact on the surrounding environment.

Environmental Contamination issues can severely impact Commercial property and business deals. Environmental consultants keep a close eye & frame a Report that evaluates environmental risk on the prospect property. They will also decide what level of due-diligence the client prefers.

As there is an increase in the buying and selling of businesses, Site Characterization Reports provides a set of site-specific actions to classify and distinguish contaminants and contaminant sources at a site.

Benefits of a Site Characterization Report:

It helps to learn the geological & hydrological properties at the site, including the soil, groundwater, and man-altered conditions in the subsurface (utilities, structures, mines, tunnels) that can affect site conditions.

Spatial and temporary assessment of contaminants when they are present.

It helps to avoid failures by focusing attention on the geologic and hydrologic conditions.

With adequate and appropriate information, the owners can implement remedial actions.

The process of Site Characterization involves:

1. Data and information collection

2. Extension of a Site Conceptual Model

3. Establishment of a Site Characterization Work Plan


Another step by Environmental Consultants is the Phase 1environmental survey. The process classifies any possible environmental risks linked with the subject property and guards a potential buyer, or investor, or any interested party on the transaction from any environmental liability.

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment primarily work as per the new guidelines:

Vapor Migration Potential- the risk of vapor intrusion - The latest ASTM revision requires the Environmentalists to ascertain if the subject property is in a vapor encroachment condition.

Agency File Reviews- A severer standard is now set on the environmental professional to carry regulative file reviews.

Revised & new Term--The name “Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition” is now used in a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report.


Synopsis - We would recommend that all lenders and potential buyers hire an environmental remediation company for a complete approach to site characterization for the best outcomes.

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