Fulcrum offers various ways for hazardous material management
Hazardous Material is a waste or combination of substances that, because of its concentration, quantity, physical, toxic, chemical, radioactive, or infectious characteristics, may cause a significant or some hazard to human health, safety, welfare, or the environment when not appropriately treated, stored, transported, used, disposed of, or else wise managed adequately. Some Hazardous materials are - heavy metals, synthetic organic chemicals, petroleum products, infectious or radioactive materials, and all substances are defined as "toxic" or "hazardous." The purpose of Hazardous Materials Management is to let us know how to use, handle properly and storage practices and the steps that have to be followed by people working with hazardous materials anywhere on property to protect them from potential health and physical hazards which happen by hazardous materials present in the workplace, and to keep chemical exposures under the limits specified. Fulcrum Company is...